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Latin America Strategic Missions Partnerships

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Projects and Funds Latin America

Project Description

The Latin America Strategic Mission’s Partnership was birthed out of the wake-up call that the Alliance international workers from Latin America could bear fruit among the least reached people groups more effectively than North American and European workers. The physiological, social, political and economic similarity of Latin American professionals is much more amenable to the least reached people groups in the Sand and Spice regions. It has been much easier for our Latino brothers and sisters to build trust and relationship toward spiritual conversation, and plant churches  where their North American counter parts have encountered greater barriers. It has been exciting to see how Colombian soccer and coffee is loved by Muslims in many parts of the Middle East. As a consequence,  this door of opportunity is being given significant emphasis in the Latin American missions vision.

Where the Latino mission has struggled in this first phase of launching and growing their mission activity has been the resourcing toward equipping and sending new international workers. Canada has assumed a specific role of resourcing financially and with personnel the project called Samuel House, for equipping and mentoring  Alliance Latin American professionals as international workers to the least reached people groups.  Samuel House is located in a predominately Muslim business community in a South American nation.  Funding is also provided to help in equipping our Latino Samuel House graduates in Canada toward English or French proficiency to work on an international team.  Final assistance is then given to send them to their assigned people group in the Sand or Spice region.

Our role to those Latinos being called by the Lord to use their profession for world mission is much like Jonathan’s role was to David. Jonathan strengthened David’s hand in God (1 Samuel 23:16). God has given us the opportunity to sacrifice our time, resources and experience to help strengthen our Latino brothers and sisters to reach their full missions potential in Christ and establish His kingdom where the gospel has yet to be proclaimed. Together we can reach the goal and finish the task of a world wide spiritual harvest.
