

The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) in Canada is organized into six geographic districts. Each district office oversees the licensing, ordination, and supervision of the workers located in that geographic area. Each district has a District Superintendent and together with a team provide resources and guidance for local Alliance churches in areas of growth, leadership, Christian education, missions conferences, multicultural ministries, pastoral care, and church-planting.

Canadian Pacific District (CPD)

  • 101 - 17660 65A Avenue, Surrey, BC V3S 5N4
  • pacificdistrict.ca
  • 604-372-1922
  • British Columbia and the Yukon
  • Rev. Mark Peters

Western Canadian District (WCD)

  • 333 - 30 Springborough Blvd. SW, Calgary, AB T3H 0N9
  • thewcd.ca
  • 403-265-7900
  • Alberta and the Northwest Territories
  • Rev. Matt Boda

Canadian Midwest District (CMD)

  • 2950 Arens Road, Regina, SK S4V 1N8
  • canadianmidwest.ca
  • 306-586-3549
  • Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario west of the 90° meridian, and Nunavut
  • Rev. Dr. Bernie Van De Walle

Central Canadian District (CCD)

  • 159 Panin Road, Burlington ON L7P 5A6
  • cmaccd.com
  • 905-639-9615
  • Western Ontario
  • Rev. Shane Gould

St. Lawrence District (SLD)

Eastern Canadian District (ECD)

  • 11 Stanley Court, Unit 12, Whitby, ON L1N 8P9
  • easterndistrict.ca
  • 905-430-0955
  • Eastern Ontario and the Atlantic Provinces
  • Rev. Curtis Peters


A Rocha - is an international Christian organization that engages in scientific research, environmental education, community-based conservation projects, and sustainable agriculture.

Alliance World Fellowship (AWF) - facilitates cooperation amongst its members (churches and organizations) as they work for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The AWF is a mission-minded denomination, a global community that shares mutual concerns and insights relating to various spiritual and temporal issues of the Church. The AWF upholds one another in prayer and administers relief in times of crisis by uniting churches and ministries with partners in many nations.

Ambrose University - provides quality learning experiences to undergraduate students in the liberal arts and ministry programs, and to graduate students in the seminary programs.

Canadian Christian Relief & Development Association (CCRDA) - promotes the sharing of expertise, information and experience, and encourages collaboration among interested Christian agencies to enhance relief and development activities.

Canadian Church Press (CCP) - is an association of Christian publications that offers support and fellowship to its members, united in an effort to maintain high standards of religious journalism.

Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) - is a non-profit organization of Christian ‘unity in diversity’ formed in 1944.  Now representing 85% of Christians in Canada through 25 denominations including Anglican, Evangelical, Catholic, Historic Reform, Free Church, and Eastern and Oriental Orthodox traditions.  Our mission and witness are primarily carried out in the work of the Justice and Peace Commission and the Faith and Witness Commission and their sub-committees. 

Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) - is an association of Christian ministries that provides practical, expert resources to help strengthen ministry organizations.

Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) - is a partnership of 15 church and church-related agencies, including Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, all working together to end global hunger.

Canadian Network of Ministries to Muslims (CNMM) - exists to mobilize and equip the Canadian church to help Muslims in Canada become disciples of Jesus Christ. The CNMM is a ministry of Outreach Canada and is led by a Canadian Leadership Team.

CAP Canada (Christians Against Poverty) - is all about empowering the local church to relieve the poverty they see in their neighbourhoods.

The Christian and Missionary Alliance - U.S. National Office - The U.S. Alliance is part of a Christ-centered global movement more than 6 million strong. Their Acts 1:8 family—inspired by Jesus’ love and empowered by His Spirit—is passionate to bring the Good News of Jesus to their neighborhoods and the world.

Church Planting Canada - is a learning community of 25+ denominations and catalyzing networks who seek to serve Jesus Christ through the commissioning of all kinds of new churches across our nation. 

Clergy Care Network (Focus on the Family) - provides guidance when life is challenging — and to rejoice with you when things are going well. If you are a pastor, or a family member of a pastor or missionary, you will find all kinds of practical information and encouragement here.

Compassion Canada - partners with the local church in 25 countries to end poverty in the lives of children and their families.

Compassion and Mercy Associates (CAMA) - demonstrates God’s love in word and deed by offering practical help through sustainable community development and relief for natural disasters.

CREST Leadership - was founded on the conviction that mid-life leaders need unique and intentional leadership development if they are to flourish and advance into a significant second half.

L’École de Théologie Évangélique du Québec - ETEQ is a school rooted in the ongoing collaborative effort of evangelical church families to provide university-level theological education in service to Christian communities so that men and women may be equipped to service Christ in the ever-changing context of Quebec and the world.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada - is the national association of evangelical Christians gathered together for influence, impact, and identity in ministry and public witness. 

Fairhaven Ministries (Vernon, BC) - a retreat center for Pastors and Christian Workers from our three western districts (CPD, WCD, CMD).

Fairhaven Ministries (Tennessee, TN) - a retreat center for Pastors and Christian Workers from our three western districts (CPD, WCD, CMD).

Food for the Hungry - is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to ending poverty one community at a time. Recognizing that each community faces unique challenges as well as advantages, Food for the Hungry is committed to an integrated, holistic approach to development.

Hungry for Life - comes along-side local churches to engage them directly in demonstrating the love of Christ through international compassion.

International Justice Mission (IJM) - is a global organization protecting the poor from violence in developing countries by partnering with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and strengthen justice systems. International Justice Mission Canada shares in this mission.

International Student Ministries Canada - Focused on international students and scholars at universities and colleges throughout Canada, International Student Ministries Canada has over 110 staff and 450 volunteers working to ensure that international students are welcomed into a loving community and support network.

Kerith Retreats - a retreat centre for pastors and missionaries in Priddis, Alberta.

The Lausanne Movement - began with the evangelist Dr. Billy Graham. As he started preaching internationally, he developed a passion to ‘unite all evangelicals in the common task of the total evangelization of the world’.

Missional International Church Network (MICN) - aims to facilitate the creative thinking that leaders need to enable multicultural international churches to be active participants in God’s mission in the diverse and transient contexts in which they live and serve.

Mobile Member Care Team (MMCT) - is a cooperative inter-agency service that provides training, consultation, counseling, crisis response, and referral for cross-cultural workers.  

New Leaf Network - is a partnership of a number of Canadian denominations, who work together to equip, encourage and resource church planters, or those considering planting, here in Canada.

Paradigm Ministries - Through exploring of the spiritual significance of daily life issues and how they are reflected in God’s heart through His word, Paradigm Ministries desires to see the Christian community in Canada embrace her faith and move towards influencing community and national perspectives on issues as broad as economics, environment, justice, mercy, morality, spirituality, leadership and governance.

Promise Keepers - For over twenty years, Promise Keepers Canada has been at the forefront of calling men to follow Jesus Christ, and to be men who will have a godly impact in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities.

Refugee Sponsorship Training Program - is a program designed to support the Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) of Canada, their Constituent Groups, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors on a national level (excl. Quebec). The objective of the RSTP is to address their information and on-going training needs as well as the initial information needs of sponsored refugees.

Samaritan's Purse - is a non-denominational evangelical Christian organization that has been providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world since 1970.

Shepherd’s Heart Ministries Canada - is a sponsored ministry helping Christian Leadership couples experiencing deep distress in their marriage. We provide solutions in confidential sessions. Our private retreat Sanctuary is a place where a couple is cared for and loved during a “Five Day Intensive” experience.

Sonlife - provides training resources that help you learn and use the disciple-making process Jesus used so you can train disciples who multiply.

Southland Church - is a church located in Manitoba that has a close relationship with our Canadian Midwest District.

Tearfund Canada - Following Jesus where the need is greatest! Tearfund Canada’s vision is to spread Christ’s mission of restoration across the world by giving people the resources they need to lift themselves out of economic, spiritual, physical, and social poverty by working through local Christian networks- primarily through churches and faith-based organizations who are at the heart of their communities.

Willow Creek Canada - is working to inspire, equip, and encourage the local church across Canada by connecting like-minded churches and resourcing leadership development. 

World Evangelical Alliance - is a global ministry working with local churches around the world to join in common concern to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus in their communities. WEA is a network of churches in 129 nations that have each formed an evangelical alliance and over 100 international organizations joining together to give a worldwide identity, voice, and platform to more than 600 million evangelical Christians.