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Keith and Melanie Haensel

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International Workers

Current Priorities

We are continuing language study in Niger, learning Fulfulde, the language spoken by the Fulani people. We are developing relationships with our neighbours, some are Fulani, and some are Djarma.  We desire to show God’s love to those around us and to have the ability to communicate with them in their heart language.

Least-Reached People Group

We work with a unique group of LRPG’s called The Fulani and Tuareg people.  You can learn more about these people groups of Niger by visiting our LRPG page.


“O God, with all our hearts we long for You! We long to see Fulani and Tuareg people come to know who You are, and how much You love them. We long to see this for Your glory, and in the hope and knowledge that one day we will bow at Your throne alongside Fulani and Tuareg brothers and sisters.”


We both grew up in Christian homes where our walk with God started and was nurtured from a young age. In 2017, we each felt God drawing us to a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Him. This included more deliberate times of talking to God, but also the realization that God desires to speak to His children. We began to be more aware of the Holy Spirit’s promptings in our day to day lives, and through that awareness, in 2018 we both heard God’s call for us to begin overseas work. The process of joining with The Christian and Missionary Alliance has been very encouraging, and through that process we began to sense that Niger may be where God was leading us. At first, we prayed that God would either provide somewhere else or change our hearts about the possibility of going to Niger. God slowly, but miraculously, built not only a willingness, but a great excitement to go to Niger.



If you’d like to partner with us email us at: [email protected]  [email protected]

Prayer Requests

Dear brothers and sisters, we urge you in the name of our Lord Jesus to join in our struggle by praying to God for us. Do this because of your love for us—given to you by the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:30).

Pray that in the next year we would learn French so that we will be able to communicate with the local people effectively.

Pray that our children would see that God has called them to a closer walk with Him and that He intends to use them to reach the nations with their faith.

Pray that God would raise up more workers to join the team in Niger so that the ministry there could be sustained and even grow into more areas.

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