Global Emergency Response Fund

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Relief and humanitarian aid

Global Emergency Response Fund

Global Emergency Response Fund (GERF)

Amount: ($)

SKU: 6956-2 Category:


To ensure that we are ready to help immediately, the Global Emergency Response Fund is an active emergency fund designated for relief and humanitarian aid for both natural and made-made disasters such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, and war.

This fund is used for the various stages of immediate relief, rehabilitation, recovery, and reconstruction. The priority for implementing relief programming is to resource and partner with local believers, a national church, when possible, or a local Christian relief agency.

Partner with us to train 167 church planters in South Asia

The Jaffray Offering is our annual missions focus to preach the Gospel where Jesus isn't yet known.


The Jaffray Offering

South Asia is comprised of eight countries, 1.8 Billion people, and 3,677 least-reached people groups. It's the largest concentration of people groups in the world who haven't heard of Jesus yet.


percentage of population is least-reached


least-reached people groups


least-reached in the world live here

Who is Robert Jaffray?

The Jaffray Project is an opportunity to partner with and highlight missions in places that don't yet know Jesus.



To ensure that The Alliance is ready to help immediately, the Global Emergency Response Fund is an active emergency fund designated for relief and humanitarian aid for disasters such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, and war.

The priority for implementing relief programming is to resource and partner with local believers, a national church, when possible, or a local Christian relief agency.

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We are raising funds to equip and support indigenous church planters as they reach their communities for Christ, raise up more leaders, and grow an ever-expanding movement of the Gospel.