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Migrant Ministry Malaysia

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Project Description

The Migrant Ministry Malaysia project began with the formation of the Nations Learning Center to serve refugees in Malaysia and to introduce them to the love of Christ. Since then, the project has continued to expand to include emergency response, emergency food-aid, and assisting with legal status registration. We continue to also meet with the young men for mentoring and discipleship. In addition, the team also began to focus on ways to reach out to women and children. This led to the creation of women community groups for peer-counselling, prenatal classes and pregnancy support, and mentoring. This project also addresses the educational needs of refugee children by partnering with existing learning centres and offering teacher training and school support.

Over the years they have seen thousands of families come through their programs and loved in Jesus’ name. With joy and gratefulness, some have responded to Jesus, providing hope in the midst of challenges. Many others have had their first interactions with Christ-followers and we continue to build relationships with them.

Throughout COVID-19, this ministry has continued to reach into the lives of many migrant workers and refugees who have lost employment and the means to care for daily essentials. It is also supporting signficant needs in the areas of health care and education. Your support is vital for ongoing purposeful engagement to take place within this disenfranchised community.

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