We reach beyond our reach
to the reaching unreachable
who alone reaches us
whose love endures forever
to the unseen Father the unmade maker
of the perceivable & inconceivable
of all that has been made both whole & broken
whose love endures forever
to the Lamb spoken before our world was made
the sure Word our ears can never contain
the rejected stone blocking our way
whose love endures forever
to the mysterious Ghost overflowing
our bodies & bones with living water
revitalizing our ruinous dejected clay
whose love endures forever
to the unnumbered three the Trinity
lifting us with muscle heart & mind
eternally beyond what intellects could ever find
whose love endures forever
With the eyes & arms & insight you've given
we reach beyond our reach toward you Lord
in need of every help you give
grant us heavenly understanding
Through your scriptures which we've studied
& erroneously muddied teach us to turn
from twisting them to being untwisted by them
grant us heavenly understanding
Through your other book (written in nature)
which we've also trampled enlighten us
with the light of who you are
grant us heavenly understanding
When we cry to you concerning friends
whose griefs are hard to bear
Lord hear & answer our prayer
When they face family strife job loss
weakness cancer despair
Lord hear & answer our prayer
When we cry to you concerning victims
of disaster violence & warfare
Lord hear & answer our prayer
When we forgive others though their wrongs
against us
makes forgiveness hard to declare
Lord hear & answer our prayer
When your Spirit intercedes with words
we don't know how to pray
Lord hear & answer our prayer
When friends who've been taught
your way go astray
Lord hear & answer our prayer
Even when through our action or inaction
we know we share the blame
Lord hear & answer our prayer
When we pray in the name of the Son
& pray your will be done we declare
Lord hear & answer our prayer
When we block your light
so our shimmer might show
Lord have mercy
When our churches fill
with our wearying shadow
Lord have mercy
When we seek our own glory
trying to prove we are right
when we wander through the night
when we‘re distracted from your light
which our darkness can never overcome
because you
Lord have mercy
As we seek your face & nest
in your grace we know
even when the might of darkness
seems bright your shine is supreme
& you
Lord have mercy
When we consider your love opened you
to take on human form
to live as a refugee an itinerate a servant
may we live your truth
through love for one another
When we consider your love opened you
to befriend exploited women tax collectors
the wounded widows & fishermen
may we live your truth
through love for one another
When we consider your love opened you
to patience with disciples slow to believe
but quick to abandon you in your need
may we live your truth
through love for one another
When we consider your love opened you
to refrain from retaliating when you arose
victorious from the dead
may we live your truth
through love for one another
May we turn to you Lord
rather than to all you can do for us
May we praise your name Lord
rather than thoughtlessly repeating words
May we bring you glory Lord
rather than to ourselves or even to our churches
May these things come to be
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