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Jogda's Story

Jogda's Story

Born and raised by parents who are believers, Jogda* has known the Lord personally from a very young age and has always enjoyed serving the people ...
Experiencing God in Diaspora

Experiencing God in Diaspora

“God is calling those who have the heart to serve Him. Are you willing to respond?” Dr. Thomas Wang, a well-respected mission stateman, spoke passi...
Pari's story

Pari's story

Pari* was born and raised in a godly family. Since childhood, she dutifully participated in religious activities but there was a big gap between wh...
Kingdom Globetrotters

Kingdom Globetrotters

It was October 1992. We sat in disbelief, holding our treasured passports, which had received the final “chop.” The dreaded stamp denying our visa ...
Ivaan's story

Ivaan's story

Machetes swung wildly and churches and buildings were being burned to the ground. People were screaming, “Leave now or die!” This was the story of ...
From the Rising of the Sun

From the Rising of the Sun

After our first Sunday morning service at Hiroshima Minami Alliance Church, we pulled our chairs in a circle for a kangeikai (welcome party) in our...
Sohanlal’s story

Sohanlal’s story

Sohanlal’s* older brother died tragically in a road accident at a young age. His untimely death caused endless grief to his family and had a deep i...
God of the Unexpected

God of the Unexpected

I was walking down the street, heading to class, when my situation struck me. I was amazed to be walking on a street in Barcelona, Spain. BARCELONA...
Leaning On Christ; Leading Like Christ

Leaning On Christ; Leading Like Christ

Before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea, some rural villages persecuted Christians. Thousands died from Ebola, and the impact on their families and vil...