The purpose of this document is to:
Define Full and Part-Time employees and the ARF membership
criteria for each. (ARF is separate from any
extended health benefit the employer may offer and the
membership criteria is different.)
Outline a process for ARF employers (including
churches) to administer membership in the ARF as it relates to
part-time employees so pension and legislation is
The Full-Time and Part-Time eligibility rules are as
Full-Time Employees are required to enrol in ARF starting with
their first pay.
Full-Time employees are defined as those who, according to
their Employment Agreement:
- work 30 hours or more per week and
are not hired on a contract basis with a
specific end date (for example, a 1- or 2-year contract)
Part-Time Employees must have the
to join ARF when provincial legislated criteria are met.
The employer is responsible to let the employee know
when the employee is eligible.
Part-Time employees are defined as those who, according to their
Employment Agreement,
- work less than 30 hours per week and
are not hired on a contract basis with a
specific end date (for example, employees hired on a 2-year
Provincial legislated criteria for Part-Time employees:
As of July 2023, the criteria for employees in B.C, Alberta,
and New Brunswick are:
Has been employed for 24 consecutive months and satisfied one of
the following:
- Has earned at least 35% of the YMPE
(The YMPE is the Yearly Maximum Pensionable Earnings set by the
CRA each year and is $66,600 for 2023.)
As of July 2023, the criteria for employees in Ontario,
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Nova Scotia are:
Has been employed for 24 consecutive months and has satisfied
one of the following:
Has earned at least 35% of the YMPE in each of the last 2 years
Has worked at least 700 hours in each of the last 2 years.
The other provinces have slight variations on these themes. Please contact Reuter Benefits for those rules at
[email protected].
Once a part-time employee satisfies the criteria above, he/she
must be offered membership in ARF.
However, the employer has the option to be more
generous and offer membership to their Part-time employees at
anytime before those rules are satisfied. The
Part-time employee is under no obligation to
accept the offer at any time.
Contract Employees cannot join ARF. When, according to their Employment Agreement, the employee is no
longer on contract and becomes:
- Full-Time, he/she must join ARF.
Part-time, the criteria listed above for Part-time employees
To track part-time employees’ eligibility for membership in ARF,
one can create a spreadsheet like this:
The highlighted column shows if the employee has accepted the
offer of ARF membership, been offered and declined it, or when
they have fulfilled the 24-month time requirement. When they have satisfied the time requirement, check the YMPE and
hours worked requirements (if needed) to see if they qualify for
ARF membership.
If they qualify, let them know verbally and send them the offer on
the following page, which must be completed by email.
When you receive the completed form, file it in their personal
file. If they do not complete it, file a copy of the
email containing the offer in their personal file. Now you have a record
that the offer was made and when it was made. This
will protect you and the church if the employee claims at a future
date that they were not made aware of ARF eligibility.
This Administrative Process is a sample of how other Alliance
employers administer part-time employees and their ARF
eligibility. It is provided as an aid, not a
requirement. Feel free to adjust it to meet your
payroll processing needs.
July 2023
Offer Form