Vision 2034:

We’re committed to doubling our reach, internationally and nationally by 2034.


In 2023, 160,000 people engaged with Alliance churches in Canada


Imagine 320,000 people engaging with Alliance churches in Canada

by 2034


In 2023, our international work served 65 least-reached people groups


Imagine reaching 130 least-reached people groups with the Gospel

by 2034

This isn’t just about counting attendance or stats.

What if we double the number of empowered and equipped leaders. What if twice as many people were lifted from poverty, or vulnerable people rescued from exploitation through our ministries?

We want a double portion of the Spirit—to see the Gospel transform our world even more.

Catch the vision from General Assembly

General Assembly Recap (11m)
President‘s Report Recap (2m)
Shaila Visser: The Canadian Church (52m)
Darren Herbold: Faithfulness (49m)

Our commitment to
multiply disciples everywhere

At Assembly, the delegates passed this motion and spoke it out with one voice after it was approved:

We, the delegates to General Assembly 2024, in dependence on the Holy Spirit to the best of our ability, commit ourselves to ensure that our local churches and ministries engage in all aspects of the Strategic Plan, and commit ourselves to making the necessary sacrifices to share the love of Jesus with our broken world in efforts to double our reach by 2034.

Download some graphics to put up in your office, your church bulletin board, your phone background to keep the mission on your radar.

Vision Prayer