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Paul and Janelle

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International Workers

Current Priorities

Paul works at a media company, supporting a local team who responds to online messages from seekers. He also coordinates worship at the International Church and enjoys sharing friendship over tea with his local friends! Janelle loves on local women through nurses training, hosting library storytime, and sharing life together over a good cup of coffee.


Least-Reached People Group

We work with a unique group of LRPG’s called the Arabs.  You can learn more about the Arabs by visiting our LRPG page.


Develop friendships with the local people and through spiritual conversations introduce them to the redemptive story of Jesus Christ. We long to see a movement amongst our LRPG of Jesus followers who are Christcentred, Spirit empowered, and Missionfocused.


Paul and Janelle both grew up in faith-filled families where they made commitments to Jesus at a young age. As teens, they both participated in short-term teams, where their love for other people groups grew. Janelle heard a strong call overseas from Dad during those years and served in the Arab world for a time, where this calling was further confirmed. Paul served overseas as part of his Onsite experience, where he too experienced clarification of Dad’s cross-cultural purposes in his life. By the time they were married in 2002, they were both headed towards long-term work in the Sand region. In preparation, Janelle graduated as a nurse in 2004 and Paul completed his degree in Theology in 2007. Their three children were born before departure to the Desert Sands in 2012. Paul & Janelle are passionate about staying intimately connected to Dad, out of which their lives and work flows!


To sign up for our prayer letter email [email protected]

Prayer Requests

Pray that many Arabs would encounter the transforming presence of Christ’s love through dreams, visions, miracles, media, words, and relationship with believers.

Pray for our team to be continually filled with the Spirit, empowered to share the love and light of Jesus in every situation.

Pray for our family, for love, unity, and health as we live cross-culturally.