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New Ventures

Project Description

12Church is an emerging community in Fort St. John, BC.

Fort St. John is the hub of the Peace River region in BC. With a diverse economy built on farming, logging, oil and gas, it is an affordable city with high median incomes and low housing costs. People often come either to make money and leave, or embrace the northern lifestyle and settle in for the long haul. Like many northern communities, it has a low average age and many singles. With few flourishing churches, many people are not hearing the message of Jesus.

In partnership with Fort St. John Alliance and the Canadian Pacific District, and with coaching from Andy Lambkin of Simple Churches, Daren and Kristin Wride are launching a New Venture seeking to reach the unchurched and reactivate the de-churched in this area. The leadership at 12Church is intentionally bi-vocational, and their vision is to develop a simple, sustainable, scalable disciple-making movement, with a high emphasis on personal evangelism.