Current Priorities
Our first two years after settling in country, will be focused on language and culture study. There will be opportunities to engage in relationship building through that process, and in the support we give to the team’s other efforts. Uncertain of what God will have us focus on after language study, we pray that he will direct us to whatever he has planned.
To be obedient to the direction of Christ, making disciples through shared community regardless of circumstance or location.
Amelie grew up knowing of God, but didn’t develop a personal, saving, relationship with Him until early adulthood. She has lived the “before” and is now living in the “after” of a transformed life offered through Jesus, and being adopted into God’s family. Amelie has worked as a physiotherapist for over a decade and has come to appreciate the interconnectedness of our parts to the whole, and how a heart’s longing to be seen, heard, and loved can only be satisfied through Jesus. Out of that overflow and holistic perspective, Amelie has felt God leading their family to serve in an area of the world that has need, both practical/physical and emotional/spiritual.
Matt grew up in a Christian home and eventually joined the military because by his understanding, those in the most need were those who couldn’t receive it due to security reasons. Matt wanted to provide that security. While conducting that work in different countries, it became clear that it was all a ‘band-aid’ solution, and that only a changed heart would result in long-term healing. The only way to fully change a heart is through God’s irrepressible love through Christ. So now Matt will go live with people who haven’t heard of Christ and wait for the Spirit to give him opportunity to help change hearts.