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Marco and Polla

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International Workers

Current Priorities

As Regional Developers, it is our desire to be available and supportive to the Regional Leadership Team and Team Leaders in the Asian Spice Region. We aim to listen and provide direction, tools and training — that they may equip and support those they work with to be disciples who train disciple making disciples.

Least-Reached People Group

We work with the Asian Spice Least-reached.


Marco & Polla long to know Christ in increasing measure and to encourage, tool and support international workers living out of His fullness as they bring the message of Christ using the gifts He has given them. As we carry the aroma of Christ, live in communities, work humbly with others, share Jesus and are faithful in prayer, we will see God do amazing works!


Marco and Polla both grew up in Christian families and connected with people from various ethnicities. Marco’s family immigrated to Canada when he was only a year old, and sensed God leading him to cross cultural ministry when he was in his teens. Polla’s family occasionally assisted children and families, through transitions or times of loneliness and she learned to value of love in action. They met at CBC, now Ambrose, where God drew them together and eventually to compassion and business for transformation work with the C&MA in SE Asia. Their three children were raised in Asia, are now grown and live in Canada. Marco and Polla have served since 1992 and been Regional Developers since 2013. Marco and Polla are passionate about encouraging and equipping international workers in various capacities that each one may use their unique gifts and resources to invite many into the wonderful Kingdom of Christ. Mark has an MA in Leadership for NGOs and Polla has an MA in Biblical Counseling.


You can connect with us by emailing [email protected]

Prayer Requests

Pray that we will live in sweet dependence upon Christ.

Pray that we will be faithful, wise and loving in our lives and relationships.

Pray that Christ will continue to lead and direct our children and their spouses according to His good purposes.