Donate to

Kids in Crisis

Amount: ($)

Project Description

The Kids in Crisis project has been operational for more than ten years with many children being supported and cared for through loving and compassionate care. Over the past year, 25-30 children have lived at the center, 12 of whom are HIV+ and under treatment. The ages of the children vary from newborn to 17 and most are from the majority religion background. While living at the Center, children are also taught from Scripture and enthusiastically sing the praises of Jesus.

Kids in Crisis needs ongoing assistance to keep the children in good health and growing physically, intellectually, and spiritually. Many HIV+ babies in Guinea die prematurely from malnutrition and the inability of their primary caregivers to secure or administer treatment for AIDS. Your donations will enable the team to buy medicine, assist with tuition fees and school kits for children to attend school and provide for other important necessities. It is here the gospel message is proclaimed in word and deed.
