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Henry and Wendy Chuang

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Worker Asia Taiwan Team


Taiwan Team

Current Priorities

In Japan, the Chuangs are working closely with their team, discipling local Japanese friends and the international students that they meet. Their first two years will focus on acquiring the language and understanding the culture.


To see our faith deepened by our work, so that others can be touched by our testimonies and know God is their hope and promise for salvation.


Henry and Wendy are both from Taiwan and met in Canada at their home church in the late 1990s. They were married in 2002 and have called Markham, Ontario home. Together, they have two sons: Timothy and Theodore.

In the past two years, they have been serving at Rexdale Chinese Alliance Church, focusing on its Chinese international student ministries. This July, they and their sons will be joining the Alliance team in Tokyo, to bring the Light to the people in Japan. They hope God will give them the grace to acquire the Japanese language and make local friends in a short period of time.

Henry moved to the Bay Area of California when he was 14 years old. At age 18, he started his postsecondary studies in Ottawa and became a Christian in his early twenties. He was baptized in 1998. After university, Henry worked at several global IT manufacturers in various capacities. He was called to ministry in his late thirties and completed a masters of divinity at Tyndale University College and Seminary in both pastoral studies and missions.

As for Wendy, her family immigrated to Toronto when she was 16 and she accepted Christ while studied at university. In the past 15 years, she has worked her way up in the accounting field as a CPA/CGA. Wendy started part-time seminary studies while working full-time after she was called. She received her masters of theological studies in May 2016.

Henry spent a significant amount of time in a church environment during his formative years. It was not until after a serious relationship break-up did he come to realize that only God can provide the true peace needed in his life.

Wendy harboured resentment toward God’s “exclusiveness” in her high school days. One day at university, God called out to her, “Why are you still rejecting me when you know I love you so much?” She repented and accepted God’s lordship over her. She was baptized in 1995.

In 2009, God called Wendy to cross-cultural ministry during a missions conference and responded with, “Here am I; send me” (Isaiah 6:8). Wendy also prayed to God, “Before you send me, send my husband first because he is the head.”

In 2010, the Chuangs encountered a family crisis when Henry was diagnosed with a severe liver condition from a virus he contracted through vaccination in Taiwan during his elementary school days. The virus had stayed dormant until then. Feeling powerless, Henry asked God to use his remaining time on earth for the glory of His Kingdom.

Returning from a short-term trip to Asia, Henry and Wendy saw the darkness people were in despite their economic prosperity. People did not know God and His salvation through Christ because no one was there to bring them the Light. Soon after that, they started to prepare themselves by attending seminary, hoping that one day God would use them in a cross-cultural ministry.

It has been a long five years since they started on this path, a journey that began with a local missions conference. One after another, they were offered the opportunity to partner with God by participating in His work cross-culturally, and once they responded to His invitations, their lives have never been the same. Through busy seminary studies, various church internships for Henry, and the same busy seminary studies plus a demanding day job for Wendy, God has shown their family His mercies countless times. As a couple, they struggled with study/life demands and work/church commitments, but God encouraged them and their sons by sending various angel at different junctures on this journey: seasoned IWs, IW candidates, pastors, and fellow believers were used by Him to minister to them. They never felt alone.

During their discernment process, they went through the urban jungles of China and Japan and the real jungles of Indonesia, and after all the dust had settled over Henry’s health concerns, only the door to Japan remained open. By God’s grace, they began their service in Japan in July 2016. Words cannot describe how privileged they feel at being used by God in this capacity.


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Prayer Requests

Henry and Wendy would like brothers and sisters to partner with them in prayer, remembering them regularly in their own ministries. After all, they are the extension of those who cannot be on the frontline for mission work in Japan.
