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Dycke and Karyne

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International Workers

Current Priorities

Dycke and Karyne network and team with local groups that serve as launching bases. In collaboration with these partnering bases, Dycke and Karyne seek cross-cultural opportunities to launch new church-planting ministry initiatives among the unreached, including:

(1) Diasporas more comfortable in worshiping in their mother tongue, such as Mandarin, Kabyle, etc.;
(2) The Next-generation (second-generation and millennials) who only speak the host country language (Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, etc); and
(3) The undocumented-irregular migrants (prostitutes, refugees, etc.).


Least-Reached People Group


Dyck and Karyne’s ministry mandate is to focus on church-planting within European metropolitan cities where a rich mosaic of people, including Asians and other diasporas, immigrants, and the marginalized, reside and work. Dyck and Karyne are mainly involved in four areas of ministry:

(1) Pioneering church start-ups;
(2) Assisting existing churches in their local city to serve their multi-cultural/ethnic neighbours (via outreach programs and community centres);
(3) Partnering with local churches to do missions work; and
(4) Engaging churches and seminaries in North America and Asia to partner in overseas initiatives — e.g. short/medium/long-term mission trips and recruitment-openings (internship, sabbatical, second mile, or full-time positions); missions conferences; family-building ministries; leadership training, etc.).


Dyck and Karyne are International Workers in the Silk Road region and have two daughters.

Dyck was born in Vietnam and immigrated to Canada at the age of twelve. He studied fine arts and cinema at Montreal Concordia University, and then he studied theology at Ambrose University College. Upon graduation, Dyck interned at the Montreal Chinese Alliance Church for one year and then served at the Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church as English-speaking pastor for seven years.

Karyne was born and raised in Montreal. She studied at the University of Waterloo and the University of Ottawa, and worked in the fields of business and law.

Dycke and Karyne celebrate how God has blessed the Silk Region with multiplying fruit. Since 1996, the four Chinese Alliance churches in Europe have grown to become a family of twenty-seven Chinese Alliance churches. In 2013, these churches officially formed FACCES (Fellowship of Alliance Chinese Churches in Europe & Surroundings).

Together with all their ministry partners, Dycke and Karyne have a passion to respond to God’s invitation to be harvest reapers among fields abounding with mission opportunities at their doorsteps. Dycke and Karyne’s desire is, despite the growing political and social unrest in the Silk Road region and globally, that we can all help lead others to the One that provides true unity, peace, and hope.


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