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David and Joyce Nguyen

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Worker Asia Cambodia Team

Least-Reached People Group

We work primarily with the Vietnamese Alliance Church in Cambodia who are known as “Hoi Thanh Tinh Lanh Hy Vong – Hope Evangelical Church”


Cambodia Team

Current Priorities

We work primarily with the Vietnamese Alliance Church in Cambodia are known as “Hoi Thanh Tinh Lanh Hy Vong – Hope Evangelical Church”. Our focus is in the area of leadership development as we work with the local leaders in Phnom Penh to empower them to lead those in their sphere of influence. We partner in areas of training, discipleship, mentorship but often we find our greatest role is to be cheerleaders for these leaders who are involved in areas of church leadership, women’s ministries, youth ministries, children’s ministries etc.. We also work with providing avenues for education through the New Hope Elementary schools as well as scholarship programs. The goal of these programs is not just to provide education, but to make disciples of the younger generation who will become the leaders of the local churches.


We want to see local leaders that are empowered and equipped to make disciples who are making disciples in every Vietnamese community throughout Cambodia. We want to see local leaders at the forefront of the Gospel work in Cambodia bringing holistic transformation to every community that they are in.


Joyce grew up at Richmond Chinese Alliance Church and came to faith in primary school. She was called into His work in Grade 7, during a missions conference when missionaries Helen & Joseph Lee shared with the kids’ program. Since that calling, Joyce has studied and graduated from CBC(’02), completed OnSite China (’99-’00) and then settled in Ottawa with David in 2002. David grew up at Vancouver Vietnamese Alliance Church and came to faith in his teens. He thought God’s call to full-time ministry meant being a pastor in Canada, which he was for over 15 years at Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church. David’s call into missions began in 2010 but his response was not one of immediate obedience. However, God did not give up on him.

Over the years, God continued to increase both Joyce and David’s burden for the unreached and to be God’s hands and feet of love to the lost. In August 2017, they took a step of faith to ask others for prayer and discernment and thus began their journey as C&MA international workers. They moved to Cambodia in 2018 to serve the Vietnamese Diaspora. David, Joyce and their three children (Jadon, Elisabeth, and Josiah), presently live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and are excited to be God’s agents of love to the people of Cambodia.


We deeply covet your prayer. Please sign up for our e-newsletters and prayer updates at

Prayer Requests

Pray for the local leaders in the Vietnamese churches of Cambodia to be Christ-centred and Spirit-empowered disciples who are making disciples. Pray for Joyce and David to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting as they work alongside the local leaders. Pray for bold faith and trust in God for both David, Joyce, and those they work with as they journey towards the great plans God has for Cambodia. Pray for their family’s health and the children’s education at Hope International School in Cambodia.
