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Bob and Karin

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Worker Asia

Least-Reached People Group

We work with a unique group of LRPG’s called the Rohingya.

Current Priorities

Our unique position has us continuing in leading our International Church and developing the ministry among the migrant workers and refugees, both in our country and in the refugee camps in Bangladesh. With a new family having recently joined us, we now are also learning how to be Team Leaders as we listen together to know how God is leading in this developing ministry.


After more than 20 years serving in churches in various Canadian contexts, God clearly directed us to move overseas to lead an International Church. We have differing backgrounds – one of us grew up in a strong, Christian home, while the other encountered Jesus in a significant way as a teenager at a summer camp – and have loved partnering together in ministry over all these years. Now, with over ten years in our present ministry, we have also begun a significant and growing ministry to the many migrant workers and refugees who have ended up in our country. With God’s wisdom and strength, we desire to lead a church family that helps people grow further in their journey of following Jesus (however long they may be with us) as well as reach out to the migrants and refugees around us, giving them the reason for the hope we have.


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Prayer Requests

Pray that the church of Jesus Christ would be established among the Rohingya people, a people group that has been pushed out of their country and persecuted in ways that have contributed to them being called, ‘one of the most persecuted people groups in the world’ by the United Nations. Pray that our adult children and our grandchildren (who all live far from us) would all seek to love and serve the Lord Jesus and that He would do His work in each of their lives. Pray for our newly developing team and growing refugee ministry – that God will knit us together in unity of spirit and purpose and that He will lead us in the ways we should go.
