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We started as a missions movement in the 1880's
When you support The Alliance, your generosity equips and sustains our ministries, workers, and all our collective efforts to share the Gospel and to multiply disciples everywhere, especially with people who haven't heard the name of Jesus.
Support and send missionaries
Support ministries of International Workers
Give to relief and humanitarian aid as disaster response
Help us raise $500,000 to partner with church planting pastors in South Asia and the Arabian Peninsula
Providing pastoral care in communities and organizations
Resource and mobilize Children's Ministry workers
Support and encourage accessibility in churches
Identify, equip, launch next-gen leaders
Reach the least-reached with the Good News of Jesus
Networks and associations for ethnic and language groups
Develop new leaders and new churches in Canada
Alumni network for retired Alliance workers
Celebrate, empower, and equip women as leaders
Empower students to reach their generation for Christ
Find more international workers and projects like this!
With plans to leave Canada in early 2021 our priorities are focused around; deep and meaningful connections with our churches, leaving well, and building a framework for language and cultural literacy for our family.
We long to see God’s love for His people become tangible in the healing and restoration of those suffering. Our hope is to share His relentless love with those who have not experienced it. We long to see the Kingdom shine bright in the darkest places so all may come to know Him more fully.
R grew up in a Christian home and accepted Christ at Awana’s at the age of 8. It was in her late teens and young adult years that she truly committed her life to Christ and sought to follow His leading. Through several short-term trips, R’s heart broke for those in situations outside of their control and she began to grow a heart for social justice.
It was a powerful missional sermon that caught B’s attention and caused him to start pursuing after Christ. The call on B’s life to global missions was only amplified through various intentional short-term missions’ trips and a profound breaking of his heart for the lost and poor.
Pray that there would be healing and restoration in the lives of the people group we are working with and building relationships with.