Current Priorities
“To establish a missional community of followers of Christ through intentional disciple making among English speakers in Mexico City who in turn will use their gifts and resources to seek out and reach various least-reached people groups in the greater Mexico City area"
“To establish a missional community of followers of Christ through intentional disciple making among English speakers in Mexico City who in turn will use their gifts and resources to seek out and reach various least-reached people groups in the greater Mexico City area.”
Barry: I grew up in a Christian home and can still vividly remember the night that my mother led me in a salvation prayer at a very early age. My family was always around and a part of Christian ministry as my dad served as a lay pastor, camp director, and we lived near a bible college. I have been fortunate to have an abundance of Christian influences on my journey for as long as I can recall.
Geraldine: I grew up in a Christ centered family and came to know Christ at an early age. The church I grew up in was in the core area of Winnipeg and I realized early on how Christ worked in practical life-giving ways in the lives of people that had much less than us as a family.
We have been involved in full-time Christian ministry with the C&MA in both Canada and overseas (Bali, Indonesia – International Church) for just over 20 years now. This current call to return to International Church Ministry is a return to what we feel we were made to be and do. Mexico City is a city of many, many nations. It is estimated that there may be as many as 1 million expatriates living and working here with perhaps only 2 churches ministering primarily in English.