Project Description
The Amazon LRPG project was motivated by the desire to help our younger and smaller Alliance family national churches in Latin America fulfill their desire to answer the call to send international workers to the least reached peoples. A great first step is to send workers to the nearest LRPG indigenous groups in the Amazons, such as a recent Cuba Bolivia Canada project raising funds to help Cuba send its first missionary couple to partner with the Bolivian Alliance Church in reaching the Tacana, Cavini and Cuyubabas peoples on Bolivia’s Amazon border. While Canada is sending its IWs to large LRPG ethnic populations, the work of gospel will not be finished until all the LRPGs, even the numerous smaller ethnic groups of the Green Window in the Amazon are reached. Partnering in projects like this enables us to fulfill the Great Commission to LRPGs that might otherwise be forgotten.
A key focus of the project for the Cuban couple will be the development of a missionary leadership training center. The Cuban IW candidates (Rafael and Yudelkis) have been very successful in planting and training church planters in Cuba despite the very difficult circumstances in the rural areas of Cuba, where they have seen significant fruit. They will be training and working with believers from reached Amazon people groups in outreach and discipleship efforts to the above mentioned LRPGs.
Canada’s involvement in the project would be limited to the first phase only, participating in the financial needs of transportation from Cuba to Bolivia, and the cost of establishing the Cuban IW couple in Bolivia in this project (accommodation and living expenses) until they are able work as self-sustained bi-vocational workers. Bolivia has made a commitment to provide intermediate and longer term ministerial and financial support, but count on Canada to help in this initial phase. Canada has invested resources and IWs in the work in Cuba for 20 years. Please consider being part of investing in Cuba’s first IW couple, Rafael and Yudelkis, seen in the photo.